Wimmera Kart Racing Club

Club Details | |
Located | 650 Henty Hwy, Dooen (Horsham), Vic 3400 |
Track Name | Wimmera Kart Raceway |
Club Contact | Phil Hobbs |
Phone | 0421 039 486 |
wkrcsecretary@gmail.com | |
Club Website | www.wimmerakartracingclub.com.au |
Club Facebook | Wimmera Facebook |
Club Instagram | Wimmera Instagram |
Club YouTube | Wimmera YouTube |
Club Postal Address | Wimmera Kart Racing Club PO Box 920 Horsham, VIC, 3400 |
Monthly Meeting | TBA |
President | David Morgan |
Phone | 0438 544 259 |
dcmorgan107@gmail.com | |
– | – |
Club Secretary | Phil Hobbs |
Mobile | 0421 039 486 |
wkrcsecretary@gmail.com |
Length | 635m, Track Width, 7m |
Grid capacity | 26 |
Track surface | Bitumen / Hotmix |
Direction | Clockwise |
Open hours | Daily (By arrangement) |
Camping facilities | Yes (By arrangement) |
Timing strips | 1 |
Interested in getting into the sport at Wimmera?
Contact the Wimmera Kart Racing Club, Karting Victoria or Karting Australia and we will be happy to help!
Club Location
About Wimmera Kart Club
Our club was formerly known as the Horsham Go-Kart Club. It was a dirt track in the late 1960’s where members raced simple homemade karts with Victa motors. It wasn’t until 1981 that they upgraded the circuit to a lime-stone dirt track.
In the early days the club had a membership totalling in excess of 100, with up to 60 racing competitively throughout the state.
They then progressed from racing on dirt to a bitumen track, which was laid in December 1982. During the mid 80’s, the track was re-designed and a hot-mix surface applied.
A decision was made by the Executive Committee during the 80’s to consolidate the club and a name change was made to the “Wimmera Kart Racing Club”. Membership in 1987 was approximately 50.
The club had its first race meeting on the new bitumen circuit on Sunday 5th of June, 1988. The official opening of the track was later on in the year during the warmer weather on November 20th 1988.
On 16 December 2021, Wimmera Kart Racing Club commenced works on their new track extension and re-surfaced the whole track, its biggest facility upgrade in more than 40 years after receiving funding of $153,706.00 for the project through the Sport and Recreation Victoria Community Motorsports Program. in which will increase circuit capacity This increased its circuit capacity and to provide karter’s with a new challenge. Club membership is continuing to grow since the upgrade. The track was will be completed in July 2022.
The track is located at 650 Henty Highway, Dooen Victoria Australia. 300km northwest of Melbourne and 435km from Adelaide. Our track is ideally situated within 2-3 hours of other Victorian clubs. Track Length is 635m, Width 7m, Direction is Clockwise and the Surface is Bitumen.
Club Facebook Feed
Club Personnel | |
President | David Morgan |
Phone | 0438 544 259 |
dcmorgan107@gmail.com | |
Club Vice President | Leon Forrest |
leon@wimmerabearings.com | |
Club Secretary | Phil Hobbs |
Mobile | 0421 039 486 |
wkrcsec@gmail.com |

Track Details | |
Length | 635m, Track Width, 7m |
Grid capacity | 26 |
Track surface | Bitumen / Hotmix |
Direction | Clockwise |
Open hours | Daily (By arrangement) |
Camping facilities | Yes (By arrangement) |
Timing strips | 1 |
Club Location
Club Videos
Thinking of getting into the sport?
Visit the club during a race meeting weekend to see all the action and talk to members and club representatives about the sport.
Or else call 1300 305 278 to find out how to get started
*Due to the COVID situation race meetings may be cancelled or other COVID related restrictions may apply. QR code checkins are a requirement upon entry. Contact the Club to ensure meeting status and current status of COVID restrictions.
2021 Albury Scheduled Race Meetings | |
Club Day weekend | July 10, 11 |
Golden Power RND 4 | Jul 30th, Aug 1st |
Club Day weekend | August 7, 8 |
Ladies Event | September 19 |
Club Day weekend | September 25, 26 |
Club Day weekend | October 30, 31 |
Club Day weekend | November 27, 28 |
New members and new drivers are welcome! A healthy, safe, social, exciting outdoors activity for all of the family, run under the rules of the state body Karting Victoria and national body Karting Australia, recognised by Motorsport Australia and the FIA.
For more information on how to get started in the sport of Karting see:

Karting Victoria
Get started in Karting page
Phone: 1300 30 KART (1300 30 5278)
Email: secretary@kartingvic.net.au

Karting Australia
Get started in Karting page
Phone: 1300 30 KART (1300 30 5278)