Open Meetings
Due to the uncertainty around border closures and the fluid situation with COVID restrictions there is no certainty upon which we can rely during the month of August. As a result of this the three open meetings scheduled for August are being re-scheduled. The Golden Power Series Round allocated to Albury on the 21st and 22nd of August would be significantly compromised by the NSW situation and the associated border restrictions. Bendigo on the 20th and 21st of August is compromised by the 300 gathering cap at outdoor facilities. Likewise, Mildura’s North West Titles meeting would be significantly compromised by the South Australian and New South Wales border rules with Victoria. We cannot wait any longer to make decisions about the remainder of the year. Therefore, we are today publishing an updated calendar from 1 September to 19 December 2021. The meetings that have been scheduled have been done so to ensure that all clubs have at least one open meeting for the year. The focus is to prioritise those clubs that were most impacted during the 2020 year and also to maintain the integrity of the two larger series. This has meant that two meetings of great significance on our calendar will not be able to run again this year at this stage. Specifically, the Australasian Kart Titles at Goulburn Valley and the Junior Sprint at Eastern Lions. The dejection and disappointment, and probably frustration, felt by these two clubs is equally shared by Karting Victoria. We can only ask for understanding regarding the difficulties we faced in making this decision about these two benchmark meetings.
Club Days in August
In light of the current restrictions issued by the Department of Health and Human Services, all clubs are in a position to run both club days and social karting events during August. It has been decided that all clubs will be permitted to run two club day competitions in August. The date for all clubs who choose to run a single club day remains as 7th or 8th of August 2021. Clubs can elect to run one further club day on any one of the ensuing three weekends and can choose to run this meeting on EITHER a Saturday OR a Sunday. All other weekends that are not used for a club day meeting can be used for Social Karting Events. We suggest that there be collaboration between clubs, as there was in this similar situation in 2020, to maximise the opportunity for participation where clubs are geographically proximate. It goes without saying that these events MUST be run in accordance with the State Government Restricted Activity Directions (Victoria) (Number 21) and the Stay Safe Directions (Victoria) (Number 27). The restrictions and requirements included in the Restricted Activity Directions (Victoria) Number 21 have some measures that were not present in previous Directions and we strongly recommend that you read them. To provide assistance in this regard we have attached an advice document which outlines the main criteria that all clubs need to follow when running meetings up to and including 26th August 2021. All of the planning may be subject to change pending future Covid restrictions being enforced by the Victorian Government.
State President
On behalf of Karting Victoria Executive
Restricted Activity Directions (Victoria) (No 21) ending 11:59pm 26 August 2021
Stay Safe Directions (Victoria) (No 27) – ending 11:59pm 26 August 2021
These Restricted Activity Directions allow community sport to go ahead.
Please read the 30 July 2021 Advice to Clubs from Karting Victoria to understand what events are being run in the month of August 2021.
Please note that there are requirements added to the Restricted Activity Directions that were not included in previous directions.
The most significant addition to these directions is found at Clause 5(3)(f) below:
Clause 5 Physical recreational facilities:
(3) Physical recreation and community sport (3) A person who owns, controls or operates a physical recreational facility in the State of Victoria may only operate that facility for the purpose of physical recreation or community sport by members of the public if:
(f) a COVID Check-in Marshal is present at all entrances to the facility open to members of the public whenever the facility is operational;
This new role of COVID Check-in Marshal is in addition to the clubs COVID Safe Officer as nominated on your Supplementary Regulations for competition and for Social Practice Events. There is a requirement also to have a COVID Check-in Marshal at the door(s) at your canteen when it is use. [Clause 13 (3)(d) of the Restricted Activity Directions (Victoria) (No 21)].
Gathering numbers – Inside areas e.g. canteen [Restricted Activity Directions Clause 13 (3)]
• Inside areas are limited to 100 persons or the density quotient of 1 person per 4 square metres whichever is the lower number (infants under 12 months are not included in that count);
• Persons in these areas must remain seated at all times unless entering, exiting, or buying food and drink;
• Maximum group sizes must be limited to ten (infants under 12 months are not included in that count);
• Covid Check-in Marshal must be in attendance at all entrances to the indoor area at all times the area is in use.
Gathering numbers – Outside Areas [Restricted Activity Directions Clause 5 (3)]
• Outside areas are limited to 300 persons (infants under 12 months are not included in that count);
• Maximum group sizes must be limited to ten (infants under 12 months are not included in that count);
• An exception exists to the group of ten requirement for persons participating directly in the sporting activity, provided that the minimum number of people required to run the activity are present. [Restricted Activity Directions Clause 5 (4)]
• The only people permitted at the venue are those as listed as permitted persons in the supplementary regulations with the addition of the Covid Check in Marshall.
• Covid Check-in Marshal must be in attendance at entrance(s) to the facility while the facility is operational.
General ongoing requirements:
• Masks must be worn at all times indoors and outdoors unless one of the exemptions apply;
• Equipment should not be shared but if it is then it must be cleaned after every use;
• All attempts should be made to maintain a 1.5 metre distance at all times;
• Personal hygiene i.e. hand washing must be observed;
• If you have any symptoms no matter how mild do not attend any events while those symptoms are evident;
• If you have recently been to a Tier 1 or tier 2 COVID Exposure Site you must not attend any events.