July 27th Karting in Victoria update

Good Morning,
Following today’s announcement by the respective Premiers, please see below a summary of what it means for the sport of karting.

South Australia Social Karting Activities can resume as of tomorrow, Wednesday July 28 or when your Club is next available to run an activity.

No Competition is permitted this weekend – this means the Festival State Cup Round 3 has been postponed. Karting SA will advise of a revised date once it is finalised and restrictions on gatherings are confirmed next week.

Face Masks are recommended for anyone over 12 years of age while not competing.

Victoria Social Karting Activities can resume as of tomorrow, Wednesday July 28 or when your Club is next available to run an activity.

• Open for all ages, training and competition. • Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies
• Limited to minimum number of people required to participate in and facilitate the activity (i.e. players, coaches)
• Spectators not allowed (excludes people necessary for events such as teachers, instructors, trainers, coaches, umpires, carers, parents and guardians) Masks will continue to be required everywhere indoors and outdoors (except private residences), unless an exception applies.

Karting Victoria is currently finalising the event schedule for the remainder of the year, beginning with an August Club Day to provide the opportunity for licence holders all across the State to get back racing in a timely manner. Further calendar announcements will be made throughout August.

Should you have any questions Lee Hanatschek on 07 5655 4341 (email lee@karting.net.au) or your respective State Administrator Rob Burgemeister on 0499 222 060 (secretary@kartingsa.com.au) or Pam Arnett on 0409 334 175 (vka@bigpond.net.au).

Best Regards and Stay Safe
Kelvin O’Reilly
Chief Executive Officer

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