6th July 2020
To the Karting Community.
On 30 June 2020, Karting Victoria’s Council met to consider if the Geelong Kart Club was in breach of the purposes of the Association and whether its actions constitute a refusal, failure or neglect of the Association’s Rules, a refusal to support the Association and/or conduct unbecoming a member or prejudicial to the Association under Rule 7(1). The matters previously raised involved omissions with respect to liability insurance, safety and non-communication issues. Having given due consideration to the matters raised and submissions made, the Council passed a special resolution that Geelong Kart Club be expelled from membership of Karting Victoria for its breaches of Rule 7 (1) (d) Sub-Rules, in that it:
i. has refused, failed or neglected to comply with these Rules;
ii. refuses to support the purposes of the Association;
iii. has been guilty of conduct unbecoming a member or prejudicial to the interests of the Association;
and such expulsion to continue until the Council passes a motion to admit the Geelong Kart Club to membership under Rule 4 of the Rules of the Association.
It is with regret that it has been necessary to take such action against a club, but it is important that Karting Victoria maintains a priority on the safe and proper operation of the sport of karting in Victoria.
Russell White
State President
Karting Victoria