Good Afternoon,

It is with intrepid excitement that we believe that there is some ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ as we navigate through the challenges of COVID in 2021. Over the past week, both the New South Wales and Victorian Governments have published the plan for the easing of restrictions in the various parts of their State and what this means for the sport of karting.
Please see below for a summary for each State, affiliated Clubs and Licence Holders.

Following the release of the latest Public Health Directions by the Victorian Government, please see below a summary of what they indicate for activities at your Club over the coming weeks.

It is expected that Social Karting Activities will be able to resume after October 26 based on the following requirements: – Open for all ages for training purposes only – Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies – Limited to minimum number of people required to participate in and facilitate the activity (i.e. Drivers, Coaches, Officials) – Spectators not allowed (excludes people necessary for events such as Officials and one parent to supervise their children) – Masks will continue to be required everywhere indoors and outdoors (except private residences), unless an exemption applies. – COVID-19 Check-In Officers as per Victorian Government requirements – Attendees are required to be fully vaccinated, this is a Victorian Government directive.*
It is anticipated that Competition will be able to resume from November 5.

REGIONAL CLUBS (Other than Eastern Lions Kart Club)
There is no change to the previous advice, your Circuit can be open for Social Karting Activities based on the following requirements: – Open for all ages for training purposes only – The activity does not involve a participant who ordinarily resides in the Restricted Area – Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies – Limited to minimum number of people required to participate in and facilitate the activity (i.e. Drivers, Coaches, Officials) – Spectators not allowed (excludes people necessary for events such as Officials and one parent to supervise their children) – Masks will continue to be required everywhere indoors and outdoors (except private residences), unless an exemption applies. – COVID-19 Check-In Officers as per Victorian Government requirements

It is anticipated that Competition* will be able to resume from November 5. (Group sizes and maximum numbers are still to be confirmed)

*It is expected that when Competition returns that it will be a Victorian Government directive that all attendees at Clubs (Regional and Metropolitan) will be required to be fully vaccinated.

* It is important to note that all of the information above is subject to change and based on the latest information provided from the respective governments.

There are three stages expected in the return to the ‘Covid Normal’ in NSW: – Stage 1 – 70% of population vaccination (Monday October 11) – Stage 2 – 80% of population fully vaccination (expected to be Monday October 25) – Stage 3 – December 1 regardless of vaccination rate

Stage 1
Social Karting Activities (no Competition) are able to held at circuits that have previously been restricted in the week beginning October 11. This is the Monday following a milestone of 70% double vaccination for the NSW population. The following conditions will apply in New South Wales as part of the easing of restrictions: • Clause 2.13 of the Public Health Order states that people can undertake sport and exercise at outdoor public gatherings in groups of up to 30*. This figure includes participants, coaches and support staff and spectators/parents. *This number increased from 20 to 30 as of this morning. o This will enable community sport training activities that are compliant with the Public Health Order to take place. • Clubs are expected to have a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place. • As per NSW Government enforced guidelines, those aged 16 years of age and over attending activities in NSW must be fully vaccinated. This is a clearly defined restriction outlined by the NSW Government as part of its re-opening road map.

For Karting this means: Clubs can host Social Karting Activities on/or after Monday October 11 as per the Karting Australia Regulations with up to a maximum of 30 people in a group. If it is expected that the demand will exceed this number, it is recommended that there be separate sessions held throughout the day to ensure the maximum number is not exceeded.

Stage 2
Competition Karting is expected to return to circuits following October 25. The conditions are yet to be formally published for this stage to clarify the maximum number of people permitted to be in attendance. As per NSW Government enforced guidelines, those aged 16 years of age and over attending events in NSW must be fully vaccinated. This is a clearly defined restriction outlined by the NSW Government as part of its re-opening road map.

For Karting this means: Clubs can host Events after Monday October 25 as per the Karting Australia Regulations. The maximum group sizes and attendees will be advised in the coming weeks.

Stage 3
The maximum number of attendees at Karting Activities and events will have no limit. There will be no requirement for those attending events to be fully vaccinated.

Should you have any questions Lee Hanatschek on 07 5655 4341 (email, John Martin on 0401 346 152 ( or Pam Arnett on 0409 334 175 (
Best Regards and Stay Safe
Kelvin O’Reilly Chief Executive Officer

PDF release