10th September 2021, Karting Australia message to Karting Victoria and regional clubs.
Good Afternoon,
Following the release of the Restricted Activity Directions (Regional Victoria) (No eight) by the Victorian Government overnight, please see below a clarifcation of what it means for the sport of karting in Regional Victoria.
Organised Social Karting Activities can resume at Regional Victorian Clubs, with the exception of in the Greater Shepparton region, as of today.
Following consultation with the Victorian Government, for the sport of karting participating in an Organised Social Karting Activity at a Karting Australia facility is classified as Training for a Driver, this is similar to individuals riding on a Cycling Club’s criterium circuit is classified as Training for a Cyclist.
Based on the below extract from the Restricted Activity Directions, Karting Australia advise of the following requirements for Regional Victorian Clubs, except for in the Greater Shepparton region.
• Open for all ages for training purposes only
• The activity does not involve a participant who ordinarily resides in the Restricted Area
• Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies
• Limited to minimum number of people required to participate in and facilitate the activity (i.e. Drivers, Coaches, Officials)
• Spectators not allowed (excludes people necessary for events such as Officials and one parent to supervise their children)
• Masks will continue to be required everywhere indoors and outdoors (except private residences), unless an exception applies.
• COVID-19 Check-In Officers as per Victorian Government requirements
At this stage, it is only Organised Social Karting Activities that is permitted – NO CLUB DAYS OR OTHER RACE MEETINGS are able to be held until further notice.
The above requirements are the same as contained in the advice provided by Motorsport Australia to the Clubs and Licence Holders in Regional Victoria https://motorsport.org.au/media/news/detail/2021/09/10/regional-victoria-open-for-practice
Should you have any questions Lee Hanatschek on 07 5655 4341 (email lee@karting.net.au) or Pam Arnett on 0409 334 175 (vka@bigpond.net.au).
Best Regards and Stay Safe
Kelvin O’Reilly
Chief Executive Office
PDF release includes extract from Restricted Activity Directions