Rules section of the VKA website has been added and updated with Technical Rule Interpretation No. TRI –15-04 IAME KA10 Carburetor – Pulse Hole FOR DISTRIBUTION TO AL TECHNICAL OFFICIALS AND KA10 OWNERS underneath the 2015 Rule Interpretations or Procedures heading.
Supp Regs section has been updated with Supp Regs for the 2015 Val and Joyce FIndlay Memorial open meeting being held at the Geelong Kart Club on the 7th and 8th of February 2015. The date and time for close of entry shall is Wednesday 4th February, 2015 at 6pm. This meeting is the best way to get yourself ready for the Victorian State Kart Championships Series Round 1!!!
Supp Regs section has also been updated with Addendum number 2 for the Austrans Victorian Country Series Round 1/Colin Devries Memorial being held at the Portland Kart Club on the 15th of February. (changes to regs) see pdf for full details.